This ground breaking technology combines high temperature decomposition with efficient gas cleaning
High temperatures provides full decomposition of components, while the immediate gas cleaning (at high temperature) removes those components which can re-compose to dioxins (like chlorine & other halogens).
The technology is durable. The plant can operate at a low cost and is very flexible. It can be fed with a wide selection of materials, like any kind of waste (ground), sewage sludge, biomass (wood, straw, green residues), manure, coal and any solid carbon containing material. The process has many advantages compared to incineration. Toxic hazard components can completely be avoided in the effluent gas. There is less ash and dust output. The process can be regulated much easier.
At last but not least! You produce valuable product (syngas) from waste, which can be used by the plastic industry or fuel production (MTBE production or direct blending). You can produce electricity as well with higher yield than in an incinerator.
This process is much greener than composting or incineration! On top of that you can divert more waste from landfill than with the other two methods. Your landfill area can serve you for 10 times longer!
Main Attributes
Comparision of Incineration and Horge Gasification